In Python, you don't need to use a special character ( or symbol) to indicate the end of a statement. 在Python中,不需要使用特殊字符(或符号)来指示语句的结束。
To that end, you should change the CREATE PROCEDURE statement and the C code to allow for additional parameters. 为此,应该更改CREATEPROCEDURE语句和C代码,以允许使用更多的参数。
Finally, the semicolon(;) indicates the end of a SQL statement. 最后,分号(;)表示SQL语句的结束。
There are no special characters ( like semicolons and braces) to denote a code block or an end of statement, either; just a simple colon(:) on the for line. 表示代码块或语言结束也不需要任何特殊字符(比如分号和括号);只需要在for行使用一个简单的冒号即可(:)。
However, unlike DB2, the END IF statement does not require a semicolon. 但是,与DB2不同的是,ENDIF语句不需要使用分号。
Once you are satisfied on the records or events you do not want published on a daily basis, use the awk END block statement to print an "end of report" statement. 选出不希望每天报告的记录或事件之后,可使用awkEND块语句输出“endofreport”。
Press Tab again to move to the end of the statement, and type a semicolon. 再次按Tab键,可移到语句的末尾,输入一个分号。
This means you can perform all operations ( such as compressing data, moving rows to the front of the partition, and truncating free space from the end of the partition) with a single SQL statement or with multiple separate statements. 这意味着可以用一个SQL语句或多个单独的语句执行所有操作(比如压缩数据、将行转移到分区的前部,并释放分区末尾的空闲空间)。
It is the act of raising a voice at the end of a sentence that makes the statement sound like a question and is common in Australian and American accents. 所谓高升结尾就是在句尾提升调门,使陈述句听上去像疑问句一样。这种方式在澳大利亚及美国口音中较普遍。
At the end of the statement, Mr To bowed in apology. 发表声明后,涂谨申鞠躬道歉。
Turns off the message returned at the end of each statement that states how many rows were affected. 关闭执行每个语句后返回的报告受影响的行数的消息。
See non-GAAP reconciliation information at the end of this press release following the financial statement tables. 见非一般公认会计准则和解资料,截至本新闻稿以下财务报表表。
Does not define the end of a statement. 不定义语句的结尾。
Why another X game? What happened to the "end of the X trilogy" statement? 为什么又一个X游戏?以前那X系列终结声明怎么了?
End statement is called explicitly. 语句时,应用程序结束。
There are three basic financial statements which are the end products of financial accounting: Balance Sheet, Income Statement and the Statement of Cash Flows. 财务会计的最终产品是三种基本报表:资产负债表、收益表和现金流量表。
You can place the end statement anywhere in a procedure to force the entire application to stop running. 语句可以放在过程中的任何位置,以强制整个应用程序停止运行。
"Owen will formally sign his contract when he returns from a holiday at the end of june," read a United statement. “6月底他度假回来后,欧文将正式签下他的合同。”曼联声明。
Month end closing and PRC financial statement preparation. 月结及协助编制中国财务报告。
Governments of all levels are required to implement the increase by the end of this month, the statement said. 该项通知强调,各级政府都必须在本月月底之前实施这种提高补助额的措施。
Auditors generally ( they are not required to do this if the risk is perceived to be low), will take the year end balance from the bank statement and put it on a separate standard confirmation form. 审计师通常从年底的银行对账单中摘抄数据,将它们填入一份单独的标准询证函(在审计师认为风险较低时他们并不一定需要执行此程序)。
The voice often falls at the end of a statement. 在陈述句的末尾,声音多半下降。
Note: Some database systems require a semicolon at the end of the SQL statement. We don't use the semicolon in our tutorials. 注意:一些数据库系统需要在每条SQL语句结束后带上分号。在我们的教程中将不使用到分号。
Add a where clause to the end of the select statement. 将where子句添加到select语句的末尾。
You can end transactions with either a commit or rollback statement, or through an API function. 您可以使用commit或rollback语句,或者通过api函数来结束事务。
Yes, grow, need a great deal of courage, nobody will like to walk design good roads, even if onto the end will have pity, I am believe this statement. 对,成长,需要很大的勇气,没有一个人会喜欢走设计好的路的,就算走上了,终究是会有所遗憾的,我是相信这个说法的。
But the regime said on Sunday that it would not complete its pullback until rebels promised to end violence – a statement seen by many as evidence they were never serious about the plan. 但阿萨德政权周日表示,在反对派承诺结束暴力之前,不会完成撤军。这份声明被很多人视为证据,证明阿萨德政权从未严肃对待停火计划。
Added to the end of a statement to stress its completeness. 加於一段话之后以强调完毕。
But in the end McKie was acquitted, and bayle's statement helped challenge a system that had, until then, simply been taken for granted. 但是最后麦金被宣告无罪,贝勒的评论帮助她挑战了在此以前仅仅是被认为理所当然的系统。
This article in detail analyzes the cause of the end of the times and enumerates many statement and conditions about steroscopic report in present chinese media, which also analyzes what stereoscopic design can be superior. 该文较详细剖析了独家新闻时代基本终结的原因,列举了当今中国各媒体的立体化报道的态势,同时分析了什么样的立体策划才能高人一筹。